Monday, July 10, 2006


why do people get into the relationships they do? a guy i kno is dating a much older woman (10+ years). he's quite inexperienced in women. and from her background, i'd say she's probably more experienced than most. but appt they're together. now, i can understand why he's wit her. he doesn't really kno any better. and she's his 'type' anyway. but why is a mid 30yo dating a rather immature mid 20yo? maybe i'm just cynical but i'm thinking she wants something of him...

another guy i kno is in a relationship wit a girl who is nearly 5 years younger than him. me and other friends have been observing thier interactions wit each other and we've come to the conclusion that he doesn't even like her anymore. and yet they're still together too.

yet another guy i kno is appt breaking up wit his girlfriend of about 10 months. they've been living together since january i think. and they had even seriously talked about eloping. but she's sorta crazy. and she has put him thru all sorts of hell. however, he's talked about ending things before, to no avail, but hopefully this time he'll get out of it.

but in good news, another friend of mine has recently gotten back together wit a girl he previously dated. unfortunately, before, their relationship had ended rather badly, but they've decided to give it another go. so, good luck homie! :)

btw, did you ever notice that the word 'together' is actually 'to get her'? interesting, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is very curious..... ~ang*e