Wednesday, July 5, 2006


+--------------- Bizarre Geography Trivia -----------------+  

About one-tenth of the earth's surface is permanently covered with ice.  

According to National Geographic, Mt. Everest grows about 4 millimeters a year: the two tectonic plates of Asia and India, which collided millions of years ago to form the Himalayas, continue to press against each other, causing the Himalyan peaks to grow slightly each year.  

All gondolas in Venice, Italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a high official.  

At 840,000 square miles, Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is three times the size of Texas. By comparison, Iceland is only 39,800 square miles.  

Disney World in Orlando, Florida covers 30,500 acres (46 square miles), making it twice the size of the island of Manhattan, New York.  

Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.  

Europe has no deserts - it is the only continent without one.  

Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first city in the US to put fluoride in their water.  

St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest city in the US.  

The border between Canada and the U.S. is the world's longest frontier. It stretches 3,987 miles (6,416 km).  


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