Monday, May 29, 2006


i think this is one of the worst things a woman can do. not just to a man, but to her child. she's using her child as leverage to get the man to stay. it's not as if therefore her child will be any less loved, or have an impoverished childhood or anything. but... also, to the man. i mean... sheesh! i haven't decided for sure yet, but i think i might feel that it's even worse than adultery. and raising a child is so tough. if he doesn't really love you, then he might not be able to stick thru it. and wat if your plan backfires and he leaves you anyway? he didn't want to be in this situation in the first place. you're forching somone who isn't ready, to be a dad. and really, you're sorta forcing yourself... if you make the decision to do this, it shows that still emotionally immature. :(

btw, i'm not like trying to attack the woman who sent in this postcard to postsecret. i'm sure she feels bad enough. i just... wanted to talk about it.


Anonymous said...

i didn't finish going thru all the ones from this week. this one looks old...? is that realy a question...? ahahaha, but you kno what i mean. i think i've seen this one before prior to this week.

wait, so did you really eat one of those "Do not eat" packets? i forgot. and what happened again? was it cuz you wanted to know if the markers tasted how they smelled? teehee...jk jk.

thanks again for hosting this weekend. gotta love those raves!

Anonymous said...

lol dork. actually this one is old. really old i think... maybe even a couple months?

and no, i didn't eat the whole packet. just... i think just one of those little pebblely things inside. i'm pretty sure it was just one... but it's like if you eat epson salt. same effect. you get nauseous and your head gets all... woozy swirly. ...not a good feeling. so yeah. don't eat the 'do not eat' packets. and when your teacher tells you not to eat the epson salt, don't eat it. ...