Sunday, December 18, 2005


Sharks lived more than 400 million years ago - 200 million years before dinosaurs existed.  

Shark skin is covered with small teeth-like denticles which can tear human skin on contact. It was once used as sandpaper by coastal wood-workers.  

In a single year, a shark goes through more than 20,000 knife-like teeth.  

Unlike other fish, sharks lack air bladders and consequently have to keep moving to avoid sinking and drowning.  

To a shark, a swimmer in a black wetsuit looks a lot like a seal or sea lion.  

The Great White shark has no natural enemies and it never gets sick.  

Three times as many people are killed by lightning as are killed by sharks.  

Sharks have three eyelids on each eye to protect against the thrashing of its prey.  

Some types of sharks can smell one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.

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