Monday, December 5, 2005

picture ...perfect?

went here and made this (that ugly thing below). lol... i didn't kno wat to draw so i tried to do that other picture reep and i took at the oc fair earlier this summer. needless to say, it doesn't really look like wat it's supposed to look like. reepal especially came out looking really really strange. lol... i tried fixing it but i think just made it worse. lol... well anyway. i tried.


aww man... putting the next together just hows really how bad it is. lol... i guess...i sorta look okay? well... recognizable at least... at the very least... reepal... well... he just looks strange.. lol... anyway, you go try your own. better yet. save that picture of reep and me and try your hand at it. i guarantee it'll be better than mine. :)

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