Monday, October 10, 2005


California: Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine.  

Illinois, Champaign: One may not pee in his neighbor's mouth.  

Florida: Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.  

Alaska: It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.  

Arizona: You may not have more than two dildos in a house.  
Illinois, Chicago: Law forbids eating in a place that is on fire.  

New York: The penalty for jumping off a building is death.  

Florida: It is considered an offense to shower naked.  

Maryland, Baltimore : It's illegal to take a lion to the movies.  

Texas: A recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed.  

California, San Francisco: It is illegal to wipe one's car with used underwear. 

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