Tuesday, September 27, 2005


*in case you should ever tire of the game rock / paper / scissors (which i kno i never will! just ask reep!) you can now go learn this version of the game. now instead of just the three, you get 15 different hand gesture things. and if you're really bored, you can also learn the 25 version. and no, i won't be learning them, so don't pull a 'nuke' on me the next time we play. *steve jobs very upset over the pirates of the carribean movie and proclaims that pirates will "burn in hell". strong words coming from a man named steve. ...wat? *and, lol, kno the products you're selling before you sell them, foo. *and when you have the time, cause this next link is quite time consuming, go read "the grand list of console rpg cliches". even i found most of them funny. but then, i have a stupid sense of humor so who knows?

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