Monday, June 13, 2005

oh grow up!

you kno wat freaks me out? marriage. was telling chang today about a nightmare i had last night about angel getting pregnant and kevin quitting school and going to ny to be wit her. chang asked, why is this a nightmare? and, i guess, truthfully, it isn't. but good golly it is! so wat if there were no monsters and just cause it had nothing to do wit me (i wasn't even in the dream)? it totally freaked me out. eesh... whoa, i just shivered. see! nightmare indeed! anyway. it's not to say that i don't think marriage is a good thing. i think it definitely can be, just not at our age. and i kno this is gonna sound hideously hypocritical wat wit me and reep closing in on the five year mark but i think kids our age should have fun and date around. committing oneself to another for life is a HUGE deal and i don't think nearly any of us are ready for that. we're wat, 20? so you're making this --lol, i said mistake. (i talk aloud as i type and i said mistake. hehe!)-- decision that will last you for the next 60 years of your life. holy poop! most of us only started dating in hs. and actually / seriously dating in college (hs relationships don't really count as real relationships). how can you have possibly met the person you'd want to spend the rest of your life wit in just those few short years? furthermore, how the hell would you even kno wat you would want to spend the rest of your life wit?! wat is wit the desperate need to gett married?! just cause you like to play 'grow up' doesn't mean you can actually do the real thing! okay, i need to stop typing. i am literally breaking out in hives. eck!

'…a fuckin lost kid' 'trying so hard to become…' / 'i cannot seem to keep from freaking out'

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