Sunday, April 3, 2005

world domination

bleh, spring break is over. and so is spring cleaning. so if you finally cleaned your basement of all those dead bodies, maybe it's also time you got into crafts and skinned off the faces and made them into clothing. or, you can save the time, pour quicklime over those bodies, and just get this apron of flesh. and since you saved time from not sewing all those skins together a la that crazy guy besides hannibal from silence of the lambs, you can go figure out 13 things that even scientists don't get. then you should tell me. and i'll tear your arguements apart and make fun of you for being stupid and make you feel so bad about yourself you develop an eating disorder to cope and i will steal your ideas and write and publish a paper that stuns the world of science and everyone will praise me even more than ever before because i can write amazingly long sentences linking fragments together by using only one conjusction over and over and over. yes. that's right. i rule. and you suck. and smell. damnit. 'you smell so bad, i wish a deoderant suicide bomber would run up under your armpit and explode.' word.

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