Saturday, April 16, 2005

begging pardon

this is like the never ending story. so he actually called me tonight after he woke up.   we were talking normally when he brought up the subject of this stupid fight we've been having. so we started talking about it. and from there it went downhill. quickly. so i get wat he's talking about. that yes, obviously, having sex could very possibly lead to the eventual loss of planned future. but he doesn't seem to get that it is inappropriate to insult people simply because you disagree wit them. he said that because i didn't seem to understand that having sex could lead to kids which could ruin everything (even tho i've seen it actually happen to one of my good friends just this past year) he decided to insult me. he said that it worked tho, didn't it? cause even today i'm thinking about it. uh... no. i'm thinking about how pissed i am. i'm not at all thinking about how having unplanned kids could be disasterous. and seriously. if you didn't think i was getting that part, why didn't you just explain that? why not just ask if i actually got the significance. why you gotta be so rude? christ... you kno wat i want? an apology for getting out of hand and insulting me for no good reason. fine, you don't appreciate my sense of humor. okay, i made light of the situation. all right, you didn't think i got it. that's still no damn justification.

'i want to prove i'm right'. 'i want to fight' this out. i 'will not be shaken'. i have made 'my mind up, to go though this' and 'be firm'. we will 'learn from this', it 'could do some good'.

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