Sunday, March 20, 2005

easter is coming

you kno, it's difficult to find a string of articles that are in relation to each other. i am constantly finding and saving things, intending them for future use. but random articles are constantly expiring and damnit, i forget about others. anyway. enough bitching, let's get onto the bunnies. now, toby's story is from earlier this month, but damnit i stopped bitching, so you will too. anyway. seems this guy found a rabbit and then tried extorting the general public for money. and it looks like he's made almost $20,000 off the deal. pretty effing smart if you ask me. and i also gotta give props to godaddy (webhost?) for not taking down the site cause damnit, that'd not be cool (dude... cut me some slack. i've been studying all day so no, i'm not going to give some freaking eloquent reason why free speech is good, figure it out yourself [geez i'm in a badish mood]). and further down the road of hilarity is porsche's golf cart and how everyone wants a peice of action wit lucy lius eggs.

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