Friday, February 25, 2005


remember that story from a while ago that involved those who girls were passing cookies around the neighborhood? anyway. oh crap. i just went to go retrieve that article but it's gone! expired! capoot! damn. anyway. some radio station went and had a fundraiser and raised those girls a gripload of money. wat's more, now that lady and her husband are hated on by everyone in that neighborhood. and people are harrassing them. lol... that's wat you deserve, jerks!

finefinefine. i kno that was kind of a letdown. i kno you come to my site to read all the articles i post. me wit my good taste and all. so here's another, totally unrelated to cookies! lampost kills dog!

1 comment:

ripnla said...

that sucks to get killed cuz you were peeing on something. to die on the spot, from peeing on something..yikes.