Wednesday, November 10, 2004


in somewhat scary news, the earth's magnetic field is fading! if you watched that movie 'the core' then you kno just how scary this can be! ...sure... in stupid news, a man throws himself to the lions! wat's so stupid about that? the zoo people then shot at the lions to make them stop eating the man! he obviously wanted to die, they should've just shot him. in worldly news, the brits think we're stupid! but that's not really news. i knew that too. i mean, come on... college educated people favor kerry over bush. also unsurprisingly, more women than men voted for kerry. keeping in mind the former fact and assuming that college educated means smarter, then one can see that women are smarter. another interesting thing, men voted for bush more than women voted for kerry. thus further proving that men are stupid, cause more men than women are college educated. (link for gender voting stats) and oddly enough. more democrats crossed parties to vote for bush than republicans crossed to vote for kerry. proving wat? that americans are getting stupider! argh... in less argrevating news: the super tacky are new getting getting the okay from clothing manufacturers. ...wat is the world coming to?

1 comment:

ripnla said...

mMM, I'm going to have to steal that Earth's Magnetic Field is Fading story! It's mine now! muAHHAa!