Monday, March 14, 2011

glasses drive tally

my lion's club eyeglasses drive has been going on for what seems like years now. (which is exactly why, when you organize a drive, you need to set clear end dates!!) and tho i'm still waiting on a few pairs, yesterday i handed over the ones i've collected. here's my re-cap and tally.

44 pairs total. 23 sunglasses, 20 clear prescription glasses, and one weird pair (that i got when i went for lasik).

when i dropped off the glasses to my lion's club contact, he told me that they had distributed 300,000 pairs in mexico two years ago. seriously. three hundred thousand. that's freaking amazing! i'm not sure if they do just one country every year or if they give to several, but i think it's several because he also said that last year they gave 60,000 pairs to haiti. also awesome!

so a HUGE thanks to everyone to helped with the drive. :)

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