Monday, March 31, 2008


tempe was great. everything about it. nothing negative at all. well, no. scratch that. my mom was annoying me a lot. amazing, i kno. i can be states or even continents away and she still manages to make my life difficult (altho some would say that since she gave me life, she can also make it suck). anyway. everything else was great: weather, people, team spirit, races, hotel, music, the city... :) i'm really glad i went. i met a lot of people and learned a lot (and hopefully i can take some of this knowledge back to so cow!).

highlights: 1) woman's race and singing. 2) breast cancer props.   if you wanna kno about it, ask me. cause it's too long to write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you had such an awesome time, chica!