Thursday, August 17, 2006

paul & joe

this should be old news to you. but just in case you didn't know... the newest designer for go international at target is paul and joe, which is actually slightly disapointing because tara jarmon was french too (altho their first designer, luella bartly, was english). i dunno, i was just under the impression that the designers would be more... international. i wasn't all that impressed wit tara's stuff, only the color blocked dress which i never even saw in stores i guess they were sold out so quick... but back to paul and joe. i'm not horribly into the clothes, altho i'm a big fan of her cosmetics line under the same name. well, no, that's misleading. i'm a fan of the packaging, esp of the limited edition lipsticks. but anyway, my pick, so far, is the twist-front dress in ripe berry. this dress is so simple, and yet it has a great shape. easy to dress up or down. and since it's so classic you can keep wearing it for a while.

1 comment:

jcracer01 said...

im kinda disappointed that Target is going to endorse the Paris line. After all that Target stands for to go for a person like Paris...its kinda disappointing. :( bah.