Sunday, November 13, 2005

lingyin cont

and here're some random lingyin temple pictures. we only spent a few hours here but i loved it! was seriously considering painting my room the colors of the temple too. first picture is on one of the tiers. second picture actually has a bit of a funny story associated. in many temples you're not allowed to take photos. and in this building it was no exception. except that my stay in china was nearly done and i had seen all these giant buddhas and had nearly no pictures of them! so i took a picture anyway. now, in all traditional doorways in china there is a giant step-like thing to keep the evil spirits out. in all my stay i managed to never trip over even once! but this one time that i broke the rules and took a picture... i walked right into it and had this big ugly bruise midshin that lasted for weeks! bleh. but i have to say that i do think it was worth it. :) picture three is of some of the construction. picture four is a shot of inside a building, which i dunno, didn't really have anything in it, except dirt, a stool and a tree trunk (maybe you can't see it, but that's the thing up front). last picture is outside another building. bottem right is a small pond wit fish in it. pretty!


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