Wednesday, April 21, 2021


I recently had a couple friends ask me about laundry detergent. I didn't have a recommendation but I did refer them to the Environmental Working Group's laundry detergent rating page. the EWG is a great resource that I've used more and more often to see what products are actually environmentally friendly. they mostly look at how dangerous the chemicals are but also rate other things too, depending on what type of things you're looking at. they rate a lot of things, from cleaning products to cosmetics to food (I looked up sunscreen a couple months ago), and rate conventional brand names to smaller purported eco brands as well. 

apparently they have an app too, which I haven't used, since I really don't shop very much at all. but I'll definitely be consulting the EWG on future purchases, especially since greenwashing is getting crazy out of hand these days!

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