Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 donation list

earlier this year I started donating ~$25 a month to a different cause. here is my list for the year. it's interesting, but prior to actually donating, I would have thought I'd mostly donate to food orgs. but as it were, I didn't donate to a single food org this year. partly it's cause I know food orgs are getting more attention this year anyway (altho they could absolutely use more help). but also with the election stuff, I really thought a lot about fair politics and unbiased reporting. plus, I volunteered a handful of times at the OC food bank this year so I did technically help fight against food insecurity :) 

april - the guardian
may - terrracycle pet food bag recycling (jojo)
june - equal justice initiative 
october - dress for success, miami (a's non-profit)
november - kiva
december - radiolab

collection drive - USB and SD cards for Recycle USB and Flash Drives for Freedom

priority orgs for next year: NPR, PBS, Vox, Pro Publica,,,,, RIP medical debt, Food Finders, Harvest Partners, Food Forward, Seed Savers

1 comment:

neurp said...
