Thursday, November 14, 2013

cali quotes

simon winchester - a crack in the edge of the world: america and the great california earthquake of 1906

the city of stockton, ca is "named for the commodore robert stockton, who, in 1846, captured the mexican military outpost of los angeles and four days later formally annexed the mexican province of alta california in the name of the united states. stockton is, essentially, the founder of american california."

"how tightly san fransisco appeared to cling on to its hillsides: one could imagine knuckles whitened, sinew straining, teeth gritted."

"the west i like best. the people are stronger, fresher, saner than the rest. they are ready to be taught. the surroundings of nature have instilled in them a love of the beautiful, which needs development and direction. the east i found a feeble reflex of europe; in fact, i may say that i was in america for a month before i saw an american. - oscar wilde, quoted in the st. louis daily globe, february 26, 1992"

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