Friday, December 9, 2011


sometimes the coincidences in the world are just so great that you kind of can't believe there isn't something controlling the universe. and i pretty often feel like the controller of the universe is sometimes just damn lazy.

example: i was reading a book that mentioned a short story. a few days later, i was reading a book being propped up by another book. i closed the first book, and was about to close the other when a line of all caps in the text caught my eye. i read it and then some more, thought it was vaguely interesting and looked to the top of the page for the author or title of the story. and guess what? it was the swimmer by john cheever. the same short story that my first book had mentioned.

i use a book to prop open my current reading, but i don't ever read it any more. it's huge, has onion paper, and has a lot of great, but also a ton of really boring, stuff. but that line of all caps made me look at it. and the story is really short too, only a couple pages. and since i read a ton and have pretty poor memory, i rarely remember what i read, especially if it has nothing to do with the story, which the cheever story doesn't really. so it's also weird that i remember that it was that same story. what a weird coincidence!

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