Tuesday, November 16, 2010


i'm wondering what to do with some of my older blogs. i think i want to delete them, seeing as how i don't have an interest in updating anymore. but at the same time i feel like, well, it's not like it's doing anything that they're online. another thing is that i think (a)musing(s) was my 2nd oldest blog. my oldest one is no longer up because aol got rid of the blog features. anyway, i'll probably go thru them and save a few of my favorite posts, maybe transfer them to this blog. and delete it in a few weeks.


btw, the reason i had so many blogs is because of my thing with organization and keeping things separate. this blog was about my personal life stuff, (a)musing(s) was funny / interesting random things found online, and snapshots was pretty / interesting things also randomly found online.

...i know, it's weird. but it's also one of the reasons i have so many email accounts now (like 7?) that i don't fwd into one email box. i do actually have to sign in and out of most of them. i feel like i can focus more on "work" if all the emails i'm looking at are from "work." and yes, i know you can fwd them all to one account, and the sort them visually so all you're looking at is one account, but i dunno... i prefer it separate.

edit: i imported all the musing's posts to this blog. i feel like there's less pressure to update if there's only one or two instead of three. i'll probably import all the snapshots later.

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