Wednesday, June 4, 2008


+----------------- Bizarre Humans ------------------+  

Juan Baptista dos Santos - He possessed two functioning penes and three scrota, the outer two of which each contained a single testis.  

Josephine Myrtle Corbin - Known as the The Four Legged Lady, he extra legs were part of a twin that did not split correctly. Each of her smaller inner legs was paired with one of her outer legs.  

Gabrielle Fuller - Born in Basle, Switzerland, in 1884, the Half Lady had a perfectly formed upper body which ended smoothly just below the waist.  

The Human Unicorn - In 1930, a Chinese farmer from Manchukuo was discovered by an expat Russian banker. The Russian was able to take a picture of the man who apparently had a 14-inch spire-like horn growing from the back of his head.

for more

1 comment:

jcracer01 said...

dude, i just spent like a good ten minutes looking at this random site that i found when i googled "four legged lady" and it showed all kinds of craziness. i feel weird now. its combined with other things on my mind. and the fact that i almost completely ran a red---to the point of me getting into a car accident. but...o man.