Sunday, September 9, 2007

space trivia

+------------------ Bizarre Space Trivia ------------------+  
Seven U.S. Delta rockets and a French observation satellite have exploded in space.  

In 1961, Cuban premier Fidel Castro charged that a chunk of a U.S. spacecraft had fallen on Cuba and killed a cow.  

In 1962, a 21-lb. fragment of Soviet Sputnik IV landed at the intersection of Park and North 8th Streets in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.  

Over 7,000 objects floating in space are being tracked from earth; only five percent are satellites.  

Dodging space junk is a dangerous occupation. A 0.5 millimeter metal chip could puncture a space suit and kill an astronaut walking in space.  

In 1978, a Soviet satellite came crashing back to Earth, contaminating hundreds of square miles of Canadian territory with radiation.  

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