Thursday, July 19, 2007


incest: sexual intercourse between closely related persons.
inbreeding: to breed (individuals of a closely related group) repeatedly.
   ie:  incest = babyless sex.  inbreeding = babies

so maybe it's that i don't have any siblings that made me think of this, but if a brother and sister are not being forced or manipulated to and can basically guarantee that they won't produce offspring from the act, is incest really immoral? the main ...rational (for lack of a better word) reason people object to siblings having sex is because inbreeding brings up a greater instance recessive traits in the offspring, which may or may not be a bad thing. but what if you were to just indulge in incest and not inbreeding? no babies, no problem, right?

course, many people would disagree. siblings and parents, whatever, should not be having sex together. but i think that might only really hold true in cases of rape or other forms of manipulation or pressure. what if the two know better, aren't being pressured to in any way at all, but still really want to do it; is it still wrong? (let's keep religion out of it)

for me, immorality has a lot to do with an individual's rights being violated. in cases of incest (and not inbreeding), there really isn't much of a scientific objection besides that it does seem to be a bit unnatural (as almost every culture shuns it) and that it might lead to inbreeding (accidentally or no). and if the two adults participating are fully self-willing and self-wanting, then i don't see how i can morally object to incest.   you?


Anonymous said...

its wrong, period

Anonymous said...

btw, i don't kno if i made this clear (i only hinted at it), i do not think that incest is immoral. however, i do NOT approve of it. it's really gross and sooo many things can go wrong. =\

Anonymous said...

my morals make me object to smoking and dating people who smoke largely in part because it's gross.  someone who engages in what i deem a downright disgusting activity isn't morally sound.  by the same token, incest is immoral.  to me.