Friday, April 27, 2007


LONDON - A passenger on a British Airways flight complained after he awoke on the plane to find a corpse had been placed nearby his first-class seat. Paul Trinder said he awoke from sleeping on the nine-hour flight to find the corpse of an elderly woman who had died on the flight in a nearby seat accompanied by her grieving daughter crying loudly, The Times of London reported Monday. Trinder told the newspaper he found the experience "deeply disturbing" but the airline told him to "get over it" when he voiced  his concerns. "It was a complete mess -- they seemed to have no proper plans in place to deal with the situation," he said. "I didn't have a clue what was going on. The stewards just plonked the body down without saying a thing. I remember looking at this frail, sparrow-like woman and thinking she was very ill," Trinder told The Times. "When I asked what was going on I was shocked to hear she was dead." He said he was also concerned with the health issues involved. "When you have a decaying body on a plane at room temperature for more than five hours there are significant health and safety risks," he said.

WAUKEGAN, Ill. - Workers preparing a Mundelein, Ill., golf course for the upcoming season found a human skull and other bones near the 14th tee. "It was laying there right in the middle of the fairway," John Galford, chief of the Lake County Forest Preserve Police told the Chicago Tribune. Police did not see any indications of foul play, such as skull fractures, Galford told the Waukegan (Ill.) News-Sun. County Coroner Dr. Richard Keller said the age, sex and race of the bones were not immediately known, but he said the bones did appear to be modern and not ancient bonesthat had been dug up, the News-Sun reported. Investigators said clues at the scene may help solve the mystery. Two false teeth bore a star pattern, a front tooth had a golden "R" on it, Galford told the Tribune. The macabre find was at the Prairie Course, one of Countryside Golf Club's two courses, the News-Sun reported.

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