Friday, April 13, 2007

3d fun

reep sent me this 3d blocks game thing which is pretty fun, altho also it can also be pretty damn frustrating! i have yet to finish 1 and 9. i found 1 to be the hardest. didn't have a lot of trouble wit any of the others. a few i finished in less than a minute.
tips on how to play: need java. no time limit. don't need to go in order. you have to use the same number of blocks that they tell you to. all views (top, front, and right side) have to match. when it does, you will see a green dot to the left of the 'figuur' you're working on. when you have successfully completed the figuur you will see a yellow dot. won't erase your tries until you close the window. click on figuur# to begin.

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afteriimagined said...

fun puzzle. I enjoyed them

mxzsptlk said...

Done!  Give me a new game.