Thursday, February 9, 2006

wash more better!

firstly, did you kno that the guy from that ralph lauren polo blue isn't leonardo dicaprio? yeah, it's this guy named doug pickett. lol yeah, bet he wishes his name was leonardo dicaprio doesn't he? doug pickett, doesn't sound too modelly to me...

washing dishes is a pretty common thing. most everyone has done it at least a couple times. so why is it that people can't do it correctly? they just sorta put some dish liquid onto the sponge, wipe the dish a couple times and rinse. that's it! they don't check to see if it's actually clean! people! if you're washing glass you gotta hold it up to the light to make sure there's nothing left. if you're washing plastic you gotta smell it (yeah, plastic does hold really big smells, esp if you microwaved it, but if you've not microwaved it and have been doing a good job at washing it there really shouldn't be any smell.) and if you're washing regular dishes then then best thing to do is the touch test (glass too!). you hold up the plate or watever. and put a fingertip to it and withdraw. the water should immediatly pull away from the point of contact. and all water droplets should be pretty evenly scattered throughout. (wit plastic the touch test isn't always good enough. sometimes it really will be clean but will still hold the smell. so wash it again and then do the smell test again. if the scent isn't any weaker then you can stop washing it. it's already in the plastic itsself.) and holy moly don't forget to wash the bottems of things! including pots and pans and rice bowls! and check between the tines of the fork. and the part where the silverwear meets the wooden or plastic handle. food particles sometimes get stuck there so you gotta watch out. oh! and chopsticks. wash both ends, duh! i kno i sound a little crazy (esp because i bascially touch and smell test every large item i wash) but holy moly you eat off this stuff every day. it's probably best that you actually clean it when you clean it. bleh.


Anonymous said...

omg yes.  that's why I hated having people volunteer to do the dishes for me up at school.

Anonymous said...

wow, you really had nothing to post about did you? except the leo polo thing, cuz i used to think that was him too! but that picture that you link, it looks less like leo than the other picture i've seen..

Anonymous said...

i bet doug pickett has a really funky accent and a real funny body odor.