Sunday, January 8, 2006


how do you kno when enough is enough? (aw... emo music makes me think. sad thoughts tho. damn emo kids.) how do you kno when you're fooling yourself really well? cause, damn, if you kno you're fooling yourself then obviously you're not really fooling yourself. i think maybe if you say aloud where the line is, then when it's crossed, it's easier to get up and go. if you don't consciously establish where the line is then you stay on and on, waiting for the tipping point. which is rather silly cause really, you ought to set the tipping point yourself. not wait for outside forces to really push you over the edge.

'while you were sleeping i stared into the darkness and wondered how i ended up with you so close to me' / 'resting in your arms is the only thing that comforts and shields me from this night' 'so please, please stay and show me what it's like to be in love' / 'i'd do anything at all just to catch you smile again'

'you're the only thing that i can...'

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