Monday, January 23, 2006


had a bit of a bad dream last night. it involved me and the girls going to a dairy show / wedding banquet / dragon boat luncheon where i saw reep already there having a great time wit three other girls. girls that i have worried about in the past. anyway, it was really bad so i went to the restroom to gather myself (not wanting to start anything and ruin our db team's chance at a win [after lunch we were going on a cruise to our competition destination]) where i sorta lost my temper and punched in the metal towel dispenser. security showed up after that and i was telling them why i punched the thing in and i started to cry (up until then i had just been tearing, not really crying) and at that point i woke up. because my face was starting to scrunch up. pretty weird... anyway, i called reep and told him about my dream and he was really really nice about it. he even apologized! :) i think that's so sweet. i apologize when he has a bad dream where i do bad things but i think usually when i have a bad dream he just reminds me that it was just a dream and doesn't really pay much attention to it. but this time he apologized. :) watta sweetie. (that doesn't make me weird right? anyway, ting said no so imma just take her word for it). but yeah... mainly tho. i kno this wasn't the first time i've woken up from a dream crying but i think it was one of the very rare times i've woken up from crying. cause my face was all crumpling in. yeah. pretty sad... my pillow was all wet too. :(

'why did you?' 'she lost her mind' 'i hate these thoughts i can’t deny' 'she lost her head'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, very sad about the bad dream, but im sorry, the first thing that came to my mind about this dream was: what do dairy shows, wedding banquets, and dragon boats have in common?!!? who thinks of these things?! demented people~HENCE