Sunday, November 20, 2005


yarmayarmayarmaargh! i am having the hardest time updating my site. for some reason or another i can no longer do it thru aol. i have to do it thru aish. i should go write someone a letter. but anyway, this last week has been a good week. except for a few terrible things that happened! tuesday night i got really sick for no good reason. was throwing up, had a fever, chills, headache... it was terrible. and i missed gilmore girls, like the one tv show i actually watch. then last that week reepal got pretty sick too! nothing as bad as me, no vomiting or anything but he felt really bleh. then when i was driving home on friday i heard a big 'crack'! but christie (my car) seemed to be driving okay so i didn't think too much about it. then when i turned off the freeway i heard this weird 'tha.thunk tha.thunk' noise so i pulled off to the side of the road. reep got out first to check and he pulled a screwdriver out of the bottem side plastic paneling of my car! a whole screwdriver! appt the thing had like... stabbed itself into my car! crazy! but really, i am so lucky because altho it did hit my car it didn't do any really obvious damage (well, unless you're looking at christie from underneath. ...that sounds wrong. lol, esp because you can't upskirt a car that doesn't have skirts to begin wit. ! ). and very luckily it didn't go thru my windshield and kill either reep or me! crazy! anyway. so yeah. that was basically my week. eesh!


Anonymous said...

dventures! Kristy ay? When did that happen?

Anonymous said...

if i ever get a celica imma call her selena. so this is a christie. i'm having an awfully hard time getting the spelling tho... christy, kristy, kristie or even cristy? but christy has christ in it. which is a word i love to say but... and it also reminds me of the book of the same name angel's mom gave me years ago about a girl named christy who was really really religious. and cristy reminds me of crusty. which my christie is not! hm... krissy? nono, too much like prissy. kristy is like yamaguchi. so christie it is! spelled just like in tekken. altho this one reminds me of stephen king's christine... aish, oh watever. tekken christie. sexy lady! or... ladies i should say. ::wink::