Friday, July 8, 2005


you kno wat i hate? when you do something for someone and they don't properly thank you. makes you never want to do anything for that person again. ...okay. that makes it sound like i only do things to get the thanks, which so isn't true. but it would be nice if your efforts were appreciated. it doesn't even have to be a big thing. a way simple 'thanks' is really good enough. esp when you give someone something that they would have wanted had they known it existed. or if they ask you something and you go looking for it, even if you don't find it you should at the very least be thanked for trying. ...i dunno. maybe it's just me and my thing for ettiquette and manners but really... it would seem as tho this shouldn't be too much to ask.

'and we give and we give but its all for nothing; its all for nothing' 'we try to resist but i give everything and its all for nothing' / 'spill the ink and spill your guts again'

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