Saturday, June 4, 2005


Besides humans, the only animal that can stand on its head is the elephant.  

Nearly all polar bears are left-handed.  

A newborn panda is smaller than a mouse.  

The heads of a freak two-headed snake will fight over food - despite sharing the same stomach.  

The armadillo is the only animal - apart from man - that can catch leprosy.  

Some snakes can live up to a year without eating.  

Besides humans, the only animals that can suffer sunburn are pigs and horses.  

A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.  

A donkey will sink in quicksand, but a mule won't.  

Pigs can become alcoholics.  

When hippopotamuses get upset, their sweat turns red.  

An angry gorilla pokes its tongue out.  

A giraffe can clean its ears with its tongue.  

Deer sleep only 5 minutes a day.

Emus and Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.  

Cats have over a hundred vocal chords.  

All porcupines float in water.

SHINNSTON, W.Va. - A woman was in the wrong place at the wrong time on Wednesday. She was painting a fence when a 1,500-pound camel decided to take a breather and sat on top of her. The woman called for help, alerting firefighters and the camel's owner who rushed to help move the animal off of her. Ambulance driver Brent Hicks said she was having trouble breathing. "There is no protocol on something like this," he said. The names of the woman and the camel's owner were not released.  


ripnla said...

I wanna see an elephant stand on its head. And hippo's sweating red sounds scary as hell! I keep imagining simpsons when they go on that africa vacation, and homer plays drums on the hippo and then it growls at him and he yells out "HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPO!" that thing looked scary. Imagine that, with red sweat. Hella scary.

And how the hell can a mule NOT sink in quicksand? I thought anything with weight sinks in quicksand!

Oh, and I wanna be like a deer. Except, I think I'm going to be forced to be this week.

neurp said...

seriously... how do they even kno these things? they went around and stood all animals on their heads? and i thought everything that struggled sank in quicksand. the weight didn't matter as much as the struggle. and yeah, red sweating hippos? super scary!