Tuesday, November 23, 2004

it's just a game!

reepal is obsessed wit tekken 5. which is fine. but because of this, he's missing school, not doing his hw, failing tests, skipping sleep, wasting money, and not talking to me! outrage! naw. seriously tho... it just bothers me that when i call at 10pm (like i do every single night) he doesn't pick up. or he tells me he's gonna call me back in a mintue then doesn't call for the next hour. he could've called earlier to let me kno that he wasn't gonna be in, how hard is that? it's not that i'm sitting around waiting for him. but to be expecting something and then to be disappointed... and now i find out that he's maybe not gonna do his java project which is due romrow! i mean, i kno that tekken is important to you, but you've been playing every night this last half week, you played almost all this afternoon (and while i was being nice wit saying that we could go if you wanted, i feel like i shouldn't have gone at all. i could've done something productive and it would've made no difference to you anyway. okay. i kno... that's mean. i'm glad i went. and i kno that you're glad i went. but it was so long and boring... i feel like... i was being unselfish in saying we could go and staying thru class witout reminding you and not complaining super much when you were playing. then you go and play on for an uber long three hours. and i kno you'd not want to leave during a win streak. and i didn't want you to lose either, which is why i kept kicking you everytime you got hit wit a combo or lost a round, but still... we were there for a long time), and it'll still be there romrow! for one night you could've just stayed in and done your damn hw. instead you had to go and play that stupid game after you just played for three hours in the afternoon. god. i hope reepal gets his ducks in a row...

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